2.4 billion people still live without access to improved sanitation; about one
billion people defecate in the open; and more than 640,000 people lack improved
drinking water sources.
the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals on water and sanitation (SDG
6), countries of the world committed themselves to change this situation by
achieving universal access to safe water and sanitation while addressing issues
of water quality and scarcity to balance the needs of households, agriculture,
industry, energy, and the environment over the next 15 years.
substantial increase in sector financing will be necessary to achieve SDG 6.
Recent estimates by the World Bank’s Water and Sanitation Program (WSP)
indicate that the present value of the additional investment in the water and
sanitation sector alone needed through 2030 will exceed US$1.7 trillion.
Existing funding falls far short of this amount; countries may have to increase
their water and sanitation investments by up to four times in order to meet the
World Bank at World Water Week 2016
At present,
most water sector actors in developing countries rely on government lending and
concessional financing from national, bilateral or multilateral development
banks (MDBs) to mobilize financing for capital investment. These financial
sources alone will not be sufficient to finance investments on the scale that
is called for by the SDGs. It is therefore essential to mobilize up-front
financing from commercial sources as well.
governments and donors must use their funds in a catalytic manner, as part of
broader financing strategies that mobilize funding from sector efficiency
gains, tariffs, domestic taxes, and transfers to crowd in domestic commercial
finance. If they are able to do so, countries will be much more likely to
access the resources they need to improve and expand the infrastructure needed
to deliver and sustain universal coverage of water and sanitation services and
achieve SDG 6.
commercial finance has been limited for the water sector up to now. How can it
be mobilized? In a newly published paper - Achieving Universal Access to Water
and Sanitation by 2030: The Role of Blended Finance, we suggest that “blended
finance” can help lift the constraints that are limiting the mobilization of
commercial financing for the water sector.
is “blended finance”?
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) refers to blended
finance as ‘the strategic use of development finance and philanthropic funds to
mobilize private capital flows to emerging and frontier markets’.
finance in the water sector has the potential of mobilizing private sector
financing for credit-worthy or close to credit-worthy investments. This would
allow reallocating public funds to other areas where public subsidies are
likely to be needed.
finance usually brings requirements for greater investment discipline and
transparency, which in turn could support improved efficiency in the sector, an
objective for most water sector reform efforts around the world.
commercial finance in particular can be mobilized in local currency, which
reduces the foreign exchange risk and can bring down transaction costs,
particularly for smaller scale investments to improve efficiency that can
generate rapid returns (such as replacing meters or fixing leaks).
finance has traditionally been used as a tool to stimulate interest from the
commercial financial sector, with the use of concessional finance then tapering
off over time to avoid distorting markets.
Bank pulled together nine case studies on how blended finance has been used in
facilitating access to water and sanitation in developing countries so far.
These case studies include diverse experiences reflecting different levels of
financial market development and targeting different sector needs -- from
facilitating access to micro-finance for households to invest in water and
sanitation in Cambodia or Bangladesh, all the way to setting up a revolving
fund for utility investments in the Philippines.
case studies shed light on how grants, concessional lending and various forms
of credit enhancement (such as guarantees or revenue intercepts) have been used
to address constraints on accessing finance so that more households would have
access to drinking water, an adequate toilet and a suitable place to wash their
hands by 2030.
you know of other examples where blended finance approaches have been
successful in catalyzing investment in the water and sanitation sector? What
about other sectors? Let us know in the comments! Or write to us at
Source:World Bank